Women and the Vote Historical Prompt Task Cards – New Zealand History
The purpose of this resource is to explain how women advocated for their right to vote in New Zealand, the tactics they used, the opposition they faced, and the end result of the women’s suffrage campaign. The resource also explores how the women’s suffrage campaign is remembered, and how it has impacted future New Zealand women.
This Women and the Vote resource features:
15 ‘Dig Deeper’ historical prompt cards to explore the women’s suffrage campaign and its enduring impact.
Each Dig Deeper card features:
One-three historical prompts to provoke, inspire, engage, and generate discussion.
A short passage to provide a context for the historical prompts
A range of question prompts for individual, pair, small group, or whole class discussions.
29 QR code web links have been included in total.
The historical prompts include photos, cartoons, graphs, newspaper articles, letters, videos, audio clips, and more!
This activity is very flexible and could be completed by individuals, pairs, small groups, or as a whole class discussion.
Cards could be placed around the room for small groups, pairs, or individuals to rotate around.
One card could be explored as a whole class.
Pairs or small groups could be given one card to explore and then report back to the class about.
Specific cards of your (or student) choice could be used as a starting point for an inquiry.
Use the resource in the way that works best for you!
Aotearoa New Zealand History/Social Sciences Curriculum Links – Year 4-6:
Know: Tino rangatiratanga me te kāwanatanga | Government and organisation –
Year 4-6
Governing and Equity
Governments have selectively supported or excluded people through processes associated with voting rights, access to education, health, and welfare provision, reflecting prevailing public attitudes of the time. Often equitable treatment has been sought by people, including Māori, Chinese, women, children, and disabled people.
Key Questions:
How, over time, have various New Zealand governments restricted voting rights?
How have people advocated for their rights?
Ask rich questions to guide worthy investigations In my learning in te ao tangata | social sciences,
Think conceptually In my learning in te ao tangata | social sciences
Collect, analyse, and use sources In my learning in te ao tangata | social sciences,
Identify values and perspectives In my learning in te ao tangata | social sciences
Thinking critically about the past In my learning in te ao tangata | social sciences