Treaty of Waitangi

Treaty of Waitangi Books for Kids

Treaty of Waitangi Books for Kids

I’ve put this blog post together to highlight some great Treaty of Waitangi Books for Kids. As I mentioned in my previous blog post, Treaty of Waitangi Treaty Ideas, I am actually surprised by the lack of books for children around such an important issue in New Zealand’s past, present and future. However, with a bit…


Treaty of Waitangi Teaching Ideas

While Te Tiriti o Waitangi – The Treaty of Waitangi and Waitangi Day are important parts of New Zealand’s past, present, and future, these topics aren’t always easy to teach in the classroom. Read on to find some great Treaty of Waitangi teaching ideas for how to make the Treaty of Waitangi and Waitangi Day…

The Treaty of Waitangi in the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum

The Treaty of Waitangi in the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum

Have you had a chance to explore the new Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum? The Treaty of Waitangi – Te Tiriti o Waitangi is understandably a key focus. To succeed in today’s world, students need to understand the history of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and perspectives of those who are impacted by this important document…