
Whole-Class Teaching Using NZ School Journals and Junior Journals

Whole-Class Teaching Using NZ School Journals and Junior Journals

Introducing Our New Whole-Class School Journal and Junior Journal Teaching Slides Are you looking for an engaging, structured, and evidence-based way to teach reading? Our new Whole-Class School Journal and Junior Journal Teaching Slides are here! These ready-to-use resources provide everything you need to teach reading effectively using the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy…

Using Morphology to Teach Vocabulary

Using Morphology to Teach Vocabulary

The importance of improving students’ vocabulary cannot be overstated. Having a large vocabulary helps students to develop their reading comprehension and writing skills. In fact, research has shown that children with larger vocabularies achieve better results at school, including higher reading achievement in particular. Targeting morphology is one way to teach vocabulary. What is morphology? Morphology…

What is Guided Reading 1

What is Guided Reading?

I’ve previously explained how my reading programme features four main aspects: Reading to, Shared Reading, Guided Reading, and Independent Reading. In this blog post, I answer the question: What is Guided Reading? I’ll also look at some of the research and history behind this approach to building comprehension. What is guided reading? Guided reading is…

What is Reciprocal Reading 1

What is Reciprocal Reading?

What is Reciprocal Reading? Have you heard about reciprocal reading (also known as reciprocal teaching)?  I love the way this strategy enables independent readers to work together in a self-managing team to discuss a difficult text. They teach each other and take turns leading. Let me tell you more about it! The four comprehension strategies students…

Content Area Literacy

Content-Area Literacy and our Integrated Reading Resources

Building Content-Area Literacy into our Integrated Reading Resources I’m excited to introduce our two new integrated reading resources. These reading units help students to increase their literacy engagement and grow their understanding of texts across the curriculum (content-area literacy). For example, our Kiwi Innovators unit features interesting texts that don’t shy away from using scientific…