Visualising Reading Strategies Passages and Activities | A Step by Step Guide
This Visualising Reading Resource has been designed to teach the skills of visualising. Passages, activities and worksheets are included. This resource is set out using the gradual release of responsibility model (I do, we do, you do).
A full US and British spelling version of this resource is included.
Visualising is the reading strategy that helps your students to create pictures in their heads of what they are reading. It is like the students are making movies or videos in their minds as they are reading, using the knowledge they are gaining from the text, their own background knowledge and experiences and the context of the text.
This Visualising Passages, Activities, Posters and Bookmarks resource includes:
One exemplar activity to demonstrate how to visualise (I Do)
Two guided practice activities for teacher and students to complete the visualising strategy activities together (We Do)
Eight independent practice activities (You Do)
One blank template
A comprehensive teacher guide
Visualising poster
This resource is set out using the gradual release of responsibility model (I do, we do, you do).
The Exemplar section (I do) of this resource is designed to be taught by the teacher, working through the exemplar pages and following the process as laid out.
The Guided Practice section (We do) provides both text and viewing opportunities for the teacher and students to work through the process together.
The Independent Practice sections (You do) provide activities for students to practice the skill of visualising independently.
Visualising is a personal reading comprehension skill, different students may picture different things from the same text, depending on their imaginations and past experiences. Keeping this in mind, this resource has been designed to give some structure to students’ visualisations, but also provide flexibility so all students can learn and practice this skill effectively.
Why teach visualising?
By creating a rich mental picture, students are able to connect with a text more effectively and scaffold their own comprehension as they read. Visualising is very important once readers begin to read chapter books, and equally important for non-fiction texts as they begin to read about how concepts and ideas work together. Strong visualisation skills can also help students understand word problems in mathematics more effectively!
This resource would suit year 5-8 students and is 16 pages.