Where the Treaty of Waitangi Was Signed Year 1-3 Activities
This resource’s purpose is to explore where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.
This Where the Treaty of Waitangi Was Signed Year 1-3 resource features:
One Shared Reading Powerpoint:
Where The Treaty of Waitangi was Signed
Reading Comprehension Questions
Cloze Reading Activity
Discussion Questions
Interactive Map Labels – Large and Small
Google Earth QR Code Activity
Codebreaker Activity
Aotearoa New Zealand Curriculum Links – Year 1-3:
Know: Tino rangatiratanga me te kāwanatanga | Government and organisation
Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi: background
Key Question:
What do we know about the people who were at Waitangi around the time of signing?
Explore: other places in New Zealand where the nine separate sheets of Te Tiriti were signed
Interpreting past experiences, decisions, and actions
I can make observations about how people have acted in the past and how they act today.