Make Connections Passages, Activities, Posters and Bookmarks
This Make Connections Reading Resource has been designed to teach the skills of making connections. Passages, Activities, Worksheets, Posters and Bookmarks are included. Print and digital activities are included. Click here to see a preview of this resource.
Making connections is an important comprehension strategy that helps students make meaning of what they are reading. When students make connections to their texts, it helps them to make sense of what they are reading and retain the information better. It also has a bonus of increasing motivation to read and therefore creating positive student engagement with the text.
This resource is provided in a print version as well as PowerPoint and Google Slides activity. An additional Google Slides activity pack is included.
This Make Connections Passages, Activities, Posters and Bookmarks resource includes:
Two exemplar activities to demonstrate how to make connections (I Do)
Two guided practice activities for teacher and students to complete the make connections strategy activities together (We Do)
Three independent practice activities (You Do)
One blank template
A comprehensive teacher guide
Make Connections posters
Make Connections bookmarks
PDF and Digital versions included
This resource is set out using the gradual release of responsibility model (I do, we do, you do).
The Exemplar section (I do) of this resource is designed to be taught by the teacher, working through the exemplar pages and following the process as laid out.
The Guided Practice section (We do) provides both text and viewing opportunities for the teacher and students to work through the process together.
The Independent Practice sections (You do) provide activities for students to practice the skill of making connections independently.