Connected 2016 Level 4 Getting the Message – School Journal Activities
We’ve put together a set of reading response activities for the Connected 2016 Level 4: Getting the Message. This resource has everything you need to dive into the articles within this publication. The Connected series promotes content-based literacy. Students are exposed to scientific, technological, and mathematical vocabulary and contexts, and broaden their knowledge and understanding of these areas.
The NZ Connected 2016 Level 4: Getting the Message text contains activities for the following articles:
Winning Ways
Driving Us Into The Future
Can You Hear That?
What Now for the Rena?
When you purchase this resource, you receive:
1. Four x Lesson plans
A lesson plan is provided for each story or article covered in this resource
2. Four x Follow Up Activity Sheets
A one-page activity sheet is provided for each article covered in this resource.
Each activity sheet contains a range of reading comprehension strategies including:
Use prior knowledge
Find information
Use vocabulary
Make connections
Compare and contrast
Make predictions
Apply Your Knowledge links
QR code links provide further activities and ideas to help students explore the topic of the story or article further. QR codes and web links are provided so students can visit websites, and watch video clips.
Creative activities
Each follow-up activity worksheet features a creative activity. These activities challenge students to use higher-order thinking to synthesise their knowledge and create and design something new.
3. A FULL SET of Digital Activities are included. These work brilliantly with Google Classroom and Microsoft One Drive.