Connected Level 3 2023 He Pātaka Kura Huna – New Zealand History
We’ve compiled a set of reading response activities for the Connected Level 3 2023 – He Pātaka Kura Huna text. This resource has everything you need to dive into the articles within this publication. Connected supports Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and Tīkanga ā-Iwi, social sciences, inclusion, and well-being – within integrated literacy programmes.
When you purchase this resource, you receive:
1. Three x Lesson plans
A lesson plan is provided for each story, infographic and article covered in this resource
2. Six x Follow Up Activity Sheets
Each text has two activity sheets:
Literacy focus: activities related to finding specific information, vocabulary development, and other literacy activities such as finding evidence in the text, cloze reading, ranking and evaluating ideas from the text and retelling and summarising.
Aotearoa New Zealand Histories focus:
one activity relating to one of the big ideas (Understand)
one activity relating to a local or rohe context (Know)
one activity that builds on inquiry practices (Do).
3. A FULL SET of Digital Activities. These work brilliantly with Google Classroom and Microsoft One Drive.
Connected Level 3 2023 contains the following texts:
The Great Paa of Kirikiriroa (article)
Te Parapara: A Maaori garden alive with memories (article)
Ka tangi te tītī : The call of the tītī (story)