
Ready to Read Phonics Plus Kākano Hands-On Activities

Original price was: NZ$12.00.Current price is: NZ$10.50.


This resource provides hands-on activities to accompany eleven of the Ready to Read Phonics Plus Kākano texts. The hands-on activities have been created to specifically match the focus sounds taught in each book.
With initial modelling and scaffolding, these activities are intended to be completed independently to build students’ skills in following instructions, fine motor skills and stamina to complete a task. The activities have been carefully designed to enhance the teaching that occurs in small group guided reading and to give independent practice to the focus sounds taught.
The Phonics Plus Kākano Hands-On Activities pack features five sets:
1. In the Phonics Plus Kākano Hands-On Activities – Set One pack, you receive:
  • Two activities:
    • Build and Write
    • I Spy
This set features activities for the focus sounds: Mm, Dd, Pp, Tt, Nn, Ss, a, o, e
To use this resource, you will need access to the books Tap, Tap and Pop, Pop in the Pot.
2. In the Phonics Plus Kākano Hands-On Activities – Set Two pack, you receive:
  • Two activities:
    • Connect 4
    • Spin n Cover
This set features activities for the focus sounds: Cc Ll Bb Nn Gg Ss i u
To use this resource, you will need access to the books Tāne and the Bug and Nan in a Net.
3. In the Phonics Plus Kākano Hands-On Activities – Set Three pack, you receive:
  • Two activities:
    • Colour – Sound Match
    • Connect 4
This set features activities for the focus sounds: Ss Ff Gg Rr VvJjLl
To use this resource, you will need access to the books Rat on the Rug and Get to the Vet.
4. In the Phonics Plus Kākano Hands-On Activities – Set One pack, you receive:
  • Two activities:
    • Sound Caterpillars
    • Playdoh Letter Mats
This set features activities for the focus sounds: WwHh Kk YyZz
To use this resource, you will need access to the books Weka Gets Wet and Zip and Zap.
5. In the Phonics Plus Kākano Hands-On Activities – Set Five pack, you receive:
  • Two activities:
    • Write the Room: Digraphs
    • Word Slider
  • Plus Bonus BOOM card game for te reo Māori and high utility non-decodable words in the Kākano (Seed) texts.
This set features activities for the focus sounds: th, sh, ch, ck, ng
To use this resource, you will need access to the books Weka in the Shed, Chit Chat and Huhu in the Mud.
Please note: To use this resource, you need to have access to the Ready to Read Phonics Plus Kākano Seed Level readers. These are found in NZ schools and here.


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